Vesisorb® Technology

And What It Does

Given the strength of the science that has been emerging for the use of supplemental CoQ10, it is important to ensure that optimal CoQ10 levels are achieved in the blood following supplementation. Alerten Q100 is unique among coenzyme Q10 products as it utilizes the patented VESIsorb® technology from Switzerland to deliver coenzyme Q10 without the need for concomitant fat consumption.

When mixed with an aqueous system, this patented technology results in the formation of a nano-colloid containing solubilized CoQ10. This association colloid delivery system contains a highly uniform distribution of droplets that are less than 100 nm in diameter. The size and structure of these droplets allow for enhanced solubility and absorption of coenzyme Q10 (figure 1).


Figure 1

This image represents the structure of a nano-colloid droplet which consists of a monolayer with the coenzyme Q10 contained within the core. The formation of the colloidal system upon contact with an aqueous environment (such as the lumen of the intestine) enables the solubilized CoQ10 to more easily diffuse across the unstirred water layer that is present between the enterocyte and the lumen of the intestine (figure 2).


Figure 2

One can demonstrate the enhanced solubility of the CoQ10 contained in Alerten Q100 by placing a capsule in warm water. Once the capsule opens, the contents can be easily mixed with the water, resulting in the formation of the association colloid. There is no separation of oil and water phases as is typical with more traditional CoQ10 delivery systems. In a clinical study in humans, supplementation with CoQ10 utilizing the patented VESIsorb® technology resulted in greater absorption compared with other CoQ10 products (figure 3).


Figure 3




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